Wednesday, October 7, 2009

802.11b WLANs

The 802.11b 1999 draft introduced high-rate DSSS (HR-DSSS), which enables you to operate your WLAN at data rates up to and including 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, using complementary code keying (CCK) or optionally packet binary convolutional coding (PBCC). HR-DSSS uses the same channelization scheme as DSSS with a 22 MHz bandwidth and 11 channels, 3 nonoverlapping, in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. This section provides you with the details to understand how these higher rates are supported.

802.11b HR-DSSS PLCP

The PLCP sublayer for HR-DSSS has two PPDU frame types: long and short. The preamble and header in the 802.11b HR-DSSS long PLCP are always transmitted at 1 Mbps to maintain backward compatibility with DSSS. In fact, the HR-DSSS long PLCP is the same as the DSSS
PLCP but with some extensions to support the higher data rates.

802.11b PMD-CCK Modulation

Although the spreading mechanism to achieve 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps with CCK is related to the techniques you employ for 1 and 2 Mbps, it is still unique. In both cases, you employ a spreading technique, but for CCK, the spreading code is actually an 8 complex chip code, where a 1 and 2 Mbps operation uses an 11-bit code. The 8-chip code is determined by either four or eight bits, depending upon the data rate. The chip rate is 11 Mchips/second, so with 8 complex chips per symbol and 4 or 8 bits per symbol, you achieve the data rates 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps.

To transmit at 5.5 Mbps, you take the scrambled PSDU bit stream and group it into symbols of 4 bits each: (b0, b1, b2, and b3). You use the latter two bits (b2, b3) to determine an 8 complex chip sequence, as shown in Table 3-11, where {c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8} represent the chips in the sequence. In Table 3-11, j represents the imaginary number, sqrt(-1), and appears on the imaginary or quadrature axis in the complex plane.

Now with the chip sequence determined by (b2, b3), you use the first two bits (b0, b1) to determine a DQPSK phase rotation that is applied to the sequence. Table 3-12 shows this process. You must also number each 4-bit symbol of the PSDU, starting with 0, so that you can determine whether you are mapping an odd or an even symbol according to the table. You will also note that you use DQPSK, not QPSK, and as such, these represent phase changes relative to the previous symbol or, in the case of the first symbol of the PSDU, relative to the last symbol of the preceding 2 Mbps DQPSK symbol.

Apply this phase rotation to the 8 complex chip symbol and then modulate that to the appropriate carrier frequency.

PBCC Modulation

As already indicated, the HR-DSSS standard also defines an optional PBCC modulation mechanism for generating 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps data rates. This scheme is a bit different from both CCK and 802.11 DSSS. You first pass the scrambled PSDU bits through a half-rate binary convolution encoder, which was first introduced in the section, "Physical Layer Building Blocks." The particular half-rate encoder has six delay, or memory elements, and outputs 2 bits for every 1 input bit. Because 802.11 works under a frame structure and convolutional encoders have memory, you must zero all the delay elements at the beginning of a frame and append one octet of zeros at the end of the frame to ensure all bits are equally protected. This final octet explains why the length calculation, discussed in the section, "802.11b HRDSSS PLCP," is slightly different for CCK and PLCC. You then pass the encoded bit stream through a BPSK symbol mapper to achieve the 5.5 Mbps data rate or through a QPSK symbol mapper to achieve the 11 Mbps data rate. (You do not employ differential encoding here.) The particular symbol mapping you use depends upon the binary value, s, coming out of a 256-bit pseudo-random cover sequence. The two QPSK symbol mappings appear in Figure 3-19, and the two BPSK symbol mappings appear in Figure 3-20. For PSDUs longer than 256 bits, the pseudo-random sequence is merely repeated.

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